Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Beginning Blog

About me:
Currently I am a freshman at Lebanon Valley College. I am studying early childhood and special education. My interest in special education piqued in my high school career when I worked with the special needs children in a physical education class. However, I have been around individuals who are special needs my entire life because my uncle and aunt and numerous other family members have chosen careers in the special education field.

  • Criteria considered when deciding on what blogging platform to use  
    • When we were initially given the assignment, my mind filled with anxiety over which platform I would choose. There are so many options and while they will all post the same content, they are all operated differently. I wanted to choose a platform that I would be satisfied using for the entire semester and that would bot exceed my skill level.
    • While deciding what blogging platform I wanted to use, I based my decision off of the criteria that I wanted the platform to be:
      • user friendly
      • visually appealing
      • easy to access and navigate
      • Professional 
    • Initially, I thought that I would check out Weebly, but after signing up and looking through some of the options I realized that it was not the platform for me. The layout of the templates was confusing and after signing up for Blogger, I realized that I preferred it over Weebly. 

  • What is your initial impression of blogging?
    • My initial impression of blogging is that it is very much like an online journal. As I write my responses I feel like I am documenting my thoughts and publishing them for my peers and other people to read. However, I am excited to learn how to use blogs more effectively and how to use the tools offered by Blogger to better present my posts. I find it interesting that the while my thoughts are sometimes short and jumbled, blogs allow me to ramble and extend on those thoughts.

  • Benefits of this blog?
    • Benefits of this blog include providing a sample of my writing abilities and style to future employers as well as learning how to improve on those skills over time. I can also benefit from this blog because it will teach me how to use websites, like Blogger, more efficiently and effectively.