Thursday, February 9, 2017

Microsoft vs Google

This week we did assignments that dealt with the differences between Microsoft Word and PowerPoint compared to Google Docs and Slides. The assignments we completed for both were very similar but the way that each document was prepared differed in many ways.

  • Now that you've completed similar assignments using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and Google Doc and Slides what are the pros and cons to each?
    • The pros of Microsoft:
      • the operating system is more familiar
      • the layout is easier to navigate
      • it's easier to figure out by yourself
      • there are more options for the design and layout of the project
      • easy to share via e-mail attachment
    • The pros of Google:
      • Image result for pros cons
      • easier to share with peers 
      • easier to submit assignments
      • easier to see peer edits
    • Cons of Microsoft:
      • you have to pay for it
      • limited space available based on computer space
    • Cons of Google:
      • offers less accessibility than Microsoft
      • more difficult to navigate
  • Did you run into any issues?
    • When completing the assignments, the most trouble I had was figuring out the google products. I expected them to work in similar ways as Microsoft, but this was not the case.

  • Is there one you prefer more than the other and why?
    • I prefer to use Microsoft because I am familiar with the operating system and even when they update the software I can still figure it out. Google products seem so foreign to me, however I like that you can edit other people's documents.

  • What makes more sense to you to use with your students?
    • I think that it makes more sense to use the google products with students because they can see direct comments made by the teacher and by other students. It is also easy to figure out basic functions and once you get the hang of it, it is more convenient. 

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